Monday, November 23, 2015


Today I am going to be writing about THE SUPER AMAZING BOOK WEEK, and my favourite 3 events that happened in book week
The Book Quiz
The four houses Ngatoto, Evans, Murphy and Brigandine, fought head to head at THE BOOK QUIZ OF DEATH Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnn. There were 4 different book quiz's, one for the years 1 and 2s, one for the year 3and 4s, one for the year 5 and 6s and one of the year 7 and 8s, I was in the year 7 and 8 team with Jessica, Sylvia and Lottie, we did well (I think).
Kate De Goldie
Kate De Goldie came to our school and she talked about some of her books and how she got the ideas. She also talked a bit about her past and the primary school she went to.
The Golden Tickets
Douglas is confused.
In Our class room we had to find the golden ticket by figuring out the clues and then going to the location of the ticket, and the prize is chocolate. I didn't find any of the golden tickets but it was good fun and I don't like much chocolate anyways, so I didn't mind
So that's the end of my blog post for this week so...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I am trying to train Douglas
My favourite book when I was younger was How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. This book is about a Viking boy called Hiccup and his friend Fishleggs and they are trying to train dragons,  (why do you think the book is called how to train your dragon?), but after the first book stuff start to go down hill, so the end of the last book can be a bit depressing, not telling you why because of SPOILERS. I started to read this book series (there's 12 books) when I was 9, so not that long ago, and the reason I liked this series is because there are DRAGONS :D (I really like dragons).
So I know this is a short blog post so SORRY (so here is a dancing llama), (and a dancing horse for India) any ways.....

This is for India (my friend)

Thursday, November 5, 2015


So on the 29th of October and the 5th November, (yesterday), we learned about AFL. So in week 1 we had learnt how to drop punt and how to aim and we learned a couple rhymes to remember some important things, like laces away from faces and point your toe where you want the ball to go. We also learned how to do drop punts and we worked on aiming the ball, we also played a game where it was Penguins Vs. Polar Bears, and my team,(the Polar Bears) WON!!! VICTORY!!! This week we learned about how to pass using the handball technique and we learn some more stuff that were things to help us with using the handball pass, like the pirate dance and to smush ice-cream in to the X. Then we played the game rob the nest and my team,(the Light Blues), won round one and Avania and Niamh-y team (Dark Blue), won, the second round.
We have reached the end of this blog post so....