Tuesday, June 23, 2015


HI I get to talk about Nairnville, The thing is I don't like Nairnville, I just don't and there is nothing you can say about it. anyways I have to answer some question this week about Nairnville. Question 1: What have you enjoyed about Nairnville?  I have enjoyed the Rippa-Rugby because its fun. Question 2: What new skills have you learned? I have learn Nothing, all the skill we have been practice I already knew, I guess I am better at these skills now. Question 3 : Do you feel that you have been pushing yourself to improve and be involved? Yes, at lest I think so. Question 4: What could you do to get more out of these sessions? Trying even harder, I suppose. Question 5: Do you have any suggestions for future Nairnville sessions? YES I DO, THEY ARE NETBALL AND BASTKET BALL!!!!! YEAH!!!!
I have done all the questions so...

Monday, June 22, 2015


OH NO! The time has come when I have to talk about Nairville, NOOOOO. if you want to know I hate Nairnville with a burning passion, (that might be a bit over top...), the reason is I have never been the athletic type and I HATE doing flips, the reason I don't like doing flip is because at Nairnville you do flips on this bar and I ALWAYS seem to get hurt, SO THERE. Anyways I am seriously getting of task right now. FIRST QUESTION! so how have I been finding the Nairnville sessions this term? The people doing it this term were a bit pushy, but I'm ok with it.NEXT QUESTION! What have I enjoy the most? The games we play to up our skill and the warm up/down games are fun. NOW QUESTION NUMBER 3! What new skills have you learned? SKILLS? So far all the, "Skills," we have learn is how to do a rugby pass and how to kick a ball. NEXT QUESTION! Do you feel that you have been pushing yourself to improve and be involved? Kind of, I'm not pushing myself, but I am not lazing around.NEXT! What could you do to get more out of the sessions? Nothing really. LAST QUESTION!D Do you have suggestions for future Nairnville lessons? Not really, i do mind what we do.
I am done with this blog post, so...

Monday, June 15, 2015


TAG! I have been learning German in class so I am going to tell you what I have learned. I now know how to say hello and goodbye, how to count in German up to 30 and how to ask how old are you, when is your birthday, where do you live, the months in the year, as well as the days in the week and some of the objects you can find in the class room. I can only remember how to say hi in German, (Tag means hi, and it could also mean day), but that does not mean learning German was not a waste of time. I might move on to a different language when I  go to Wellington Girls  (My sister goes there so that means I will go there to!) because I want to learn Chinese, because Chinese sounds cool. I think knowing German might be useful to me in the future because one day I might go to Germany for a holiday, because Germany seems cool. So there's my blog post about me learning German. So...

(See what I did with the writing),
(Its the German flag!)

Monday, June 8, 2015


Image result for empathy perseverance integrity creativity

I think someone else used this picture....

Ok, so telling by this title I have to be talk about the school values, which are Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Creativity, which stands for EPIC. To be EPIC you have to show one of these values in school. Empathy means to putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Perseverance Means to keep going no mater what and never giving up. Integrity Means being honest and strong moral principles, (as you can tell, I looked this one up). And last but not lest, Creativity means to be Colourful and be Imaginative.

I think I showed Creativity this week because I did a lot of drawing and I made a little monster out of a jar and paper-mache.

I think the hardest EPIC value for me is Empathy because ignore a lot of people when I don't want to listen. Yeah I can be a mean person sometimes, but no ones perfect.

So are you EPIC? Are you AWESOME? well I don't actually know... go ask your friend they will say what EPIC value you have, (Hopefully). So yeah anyways I am ending this blog post now because I am getting boring so.....

GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Book Review

Today on this blog post I am meant to talk a book I am reading/finished reading yesterday, so I am going to talk about the book I read yesterday which is called The Bell Between Worlds by Ian Johnstone. So the plot is that Skylas, (The main character), hears a bell that only he can here so he... WAIT I will stop here, I don't want to spoil the plot! if I say anything about the main character I will COMPLETLY SPOIL THE PLOT! So guess I have to leave the review here so... I WILL PUT ANOTHER BOOK REVEIW.
In Book Review Number Two, (wow that rhymed), I will talk about the book The Last Thirteen by James Phelan. The plot is about Sam, (The main character),Which gets pull out of his classroom by people with military helicopters, were he meets Alex and Eve, then the helicopters get shot down with missiles and if you can't tell this book/books, (Because there are 13 of them), has a lot of explosions in them. And I will stop there because spoilers. And guess what? I can't talk about the main character because of spoilers! (Curse you spoilers).
So I will end this blog post because I am running out of thing to type so... GOODBYE!
P.S Go read these books! They are good, REALLY GOOD.